The Landings & Bay Colony


budgetary performance” and “very strong management,
with strong financial policies and practices.” Our favorable
bond ratings save our neighbors and businesses millions of
dollars in interest costs, while strengthening the City’s long-
term financial stability.

In addition to the areas of focus mentioned above, the
budget calls for investments to stimulate economic
development, expand business attraction and retention,
enhance mobility and connectivity, upgrade critical fire-
rescue equipment, and continue revitalization efforts in the
Beach, Northwest, and Center City Community
Redevelopment Areas (CRAs). Residents will benefit from
additional bike lanes, street resurfacing, walkability projects,
traffic calming measures, expanded Neighbor Support
programs, park improvements, added recreational
opportunities, new sustainability initiatives, enhanced disaster
preparedness, and investments in our water distribution and
wastewater collection systems. Plus, resources will be
allocated to address deferred maintenance, drainage, and
infrastructure repairs that were purposely put on hold during
more challenging economic times.

All of our departments are committed to providing
outstanding levels of service with expenditures that are
strategically linked to measurable goals, objectives, and
outcomes that reflect the core services and priorities of the
City Commission and our neighbors.

Ultimately, our budget represents a collective investment in
our City’s future. It is the instrument that will enable us to
transform our City and redefine our legacy. It is the catalyst
that will empower us to fulfill the promises and
commitments we are making today to benefit the
generations of tomorrow. 

My fellow Commissioners and I are extremely optimistic
about the future of our City, and we remain committed to
working in partnership with you to build a bright future for
everyone while making Fort Lauderdale the best place to
live, work, play, visit, and raise a family.


John P. “Jack” Seiler

Mayor’s Message continued