the front of the intersection and be able to make the turn
before vehicles do. See the example below (

Source: NATCO



Will the STOP sign on SE 15th Avenue and SE 2nd

Street be removed? What about the on-street parking
north and south of this intersection?


The recommendation to remove the STOP sign was

based on vehicle stacking that occurs through the
intersection. If the left turn lane addition recommendation is
approved, staff will evaluate the results of the vehicle staking
before making a decision on removing the STOP sign.

The on-street parking only needs to be removed if the
STOP sign is removed to allow for safe sight distance at
the intersection. The number of spaces that will need to be
removed will be based on sight distances needed. 


How will traffic be diverted toward the beaches and

away from Las Olas Boulevard in the “Right Sizing” area?


The City will be installing pavement markings on

Broward Boulevard directing traffic to the Shops on SE 8th
Avenue and the Beach on SE 15th Avenue, as part of its
short and mid-term improvements. As part of this, the
existing sign directing people to the Beach at SE 8th
Avenue and Broward Boulevard will be removed. 


With the proposed left turn lanes on SE 15th Avenue,

how will the street be calmed to make it safe for residents
of Colee Hammock? 


Raised intersections with parking bulb-outs, and

pedestrian actuated crosswalk sign at the intersection will
provide safer passage for pedestrians. Alternatively, staff
will evaluate the vehicle stacking after the left-turn lanes
are installed (pending approval) and evaluate keeping the
STOP sign in place. 


What is the timing of the project, given the new

recommendation of the left-turn lanes? 


The recommendation of new left turn-lanes on SE

15th Avenue should be decided by the end of the
calendar year, with designs completed by early 2016 and
construction soon thereafter. The removal of the STOP sign
at SE 2nd Street and SE 15th Avenue, and construction of
the traffic calming improvements at that intersection (if the
STOP sign is eliminated) will be done after the left turn
lanes are added. The “Right-Sizing” of Las Olas Boulevard
would then be completed and tested for 12 months. 


How do I find out more if I have questions? 


The project team will develop a public involvement

plan to provide regular updates, including presentations to
neighborhood and business groups, email project updates,
and meetings to discuss construction impacts and ways to
mitigate them. The City contact person is – Catherine
Prince, Project Manager II, (954) 828-3794 or

Local Issues
