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Commissioner’s Message continued

        Sistrunk Boulevard. When the Northwest community      shouldn’t criminalize homelessness, so I’m working to find
        wanted to extend the name of Sistrunk Boulevard east to  humane solutions including expanding the amount of
        Federal Highway, I was proud to vote in favor of it. It was  temporary housing where people have a place to sleep
        the right thing to do — it brought communities together  and get help to improve their lives.
        and honored a great civil rights leader.
                                                              Lutheran Church. When developers wanted to demolish the
        Marriage equality. When the country was in the throes of  Lutheran Church downtown for another housing project, I
        a debate about whether same-sex couples should be     negotiated with them and won a compromise that preserved
        allowed to marry, I got Fort Lauderdale to add its voice to  the stone sanctuary as a key part of the city’s history.
        the chorus favoring equality.
                                                              There is so much more and so little space – such as
        Police body cameras. When the nation was torn apart by  cleaning up Beach Place, fighting the narrowing of Las
        debates over use of force by police officers, I stepped  Olas Boulevard and stopping the sale of pets bred in
        forward with a plan to ensure residents are protected from  puppy mills. It’s been quite the five years. It’s been a
        abuse and police officers aren’t unfairly accused of  pleasure working with all of you on addressing these
        excessive force. I got the city to adopt a pilot program to  challenges. Together, we can make Fort Lauderdale a
        equip all officers with body cameras to document their  better place to live.
        interactions with the public.
        Homeless. When the city arrested a 90-year-old man for  Sincerely,
        feeding the homeless and bulldozed a homeless         Dean Trantalis
        encampment without warning, I stood up. The city      District II Commissioner

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