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Vice Mayor’s Message continued

             Recreation Division holds a ‘Sea Turtles and Their Babies’   Wishing everyone a wonderful summer and a safe and happy
             program which runs Wednesdays and Fridays, starting July   4th of July!
             6 through August 31. You can get a firsthand look at this   As always, I am truly thankful to serve you and Commission
             incredible life moment for sea turtles. After a presentation   District 4 and to serve everyone in Broward County as your
             at Anne Kolb Nature Center, participants will accompany   Vice Mayor. If I can ever be of any assistance, please contact
             a naturalist on a hatchling release (pending hatchling   me at 954-357-7004 or Also, follow
             availability, which is not guaranteed) at nearby Hollywood   me (@LamarPFisher) on Twitter and Facebook
             North Beach Park. You will also learn about sea turtle habitat,
             breeding and nesting, identification of crawls and nests,   (@ViceMayorLamarFisher).  HB
             conservation efforts and more. For more information you can   Best regards,
             contact the Anne Kolb Nature Center Park at 954-357-5161,   Lamar P. Fisher
             press 0 for operators, or visit Broward County Parks Event   Broward County Vice Mayor
             page to register.                                      Commission District 4

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