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Arts on the Boulevard

         A New Breed of Patron

                                                    By Jennifer Nayak

        The hottest new                                       wanted to create a space for artists who may NOT get into
                                                              a traditional gallery.”
        gallery on Las Olas                                   Sharing space with Tanner’s partner company, Las Olas
                                                              Capital Advisors, a private wealth advisory firm Tanner
        isn’t a gallery at all.                               jointly owns with her husband of 20 years, Paul Tanner;
                                                              LOCA presents its artists in an atmosphere that is both
               elebrating its’ third year, Las Olas Capital Arts, has  original and ordinary.
               emerged as an invite-only space featuring
        CBroward’s most exciting working artists. Led by Jodi  Gone are the minimalist white walls of a traditional art
        Jeffreys-Tanner, founder and curator, LOCA is a not-for-  opening. Instead cozy blue, yellow and glass walls feature
        profit supporting emerging artists and advocates for the  a high-tech wiring system, adjustable for almost any size
        cultural arts across South Florida.                   installation. The contemporary, communal workstations and

        The concept is simple: open the walls to working artists,  meeting rooms are filled with natural sunlight from the wall
        who are actively engaged and contributing to the local  sized, dome windows overlooking Las Olas Blvd. The
        arts community and host a show for them.              effect is less of a snooty fire sale and more getting a
                                                              private invitation to visit your neighbor with the fabulous
        “I see a lot of things when I’m out in the community,” says
                                                              art collection and amazing local contacts.
        Tanner, who currently serves on the Broward Cultural
        Council and sits as the Chair for the Executive Council.  LOCA’s three-month show commitment, limited to only four
        “I’ve always loved the arts and community and had said  artists each year; creates a unique business incubator, one
        that if I had my own walls, I’d open them up to local artists  exhibition at a time. ‘The artist provides their own guest list
        and create my own shows. I don’t consider myself a    and we share our space, mentorship, marketing resources
        collector and I’m not in the business of selling art. Instead I  and publicity,” Tanner says of the concept.

    16                                         LAS OLAS BOULEVARD  & ISLES
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